When something isn’t quite right at school

“Her teachers think she’s doing fine, but her grades are just okay.”

“He’s so inquisitive and curious but ask him to do his homework, and it takes hours.”

“At school, he becomes disruptive and rambunctious every time they practice math facts.”

Above are some common refrains we hear from parents who are questioning their child’s academic progress. The school often defaults to nothing is wrong, but parents and students know if that’s not true.

Should we use a normal curve?

The problem with academic struggles is that we use a normal curve to evaluate if there is a problem. If your child seems “average” or even “low average,” it is often assumed that there isn’t a problem with their learning.

Schools often overlook and ignore children who are sustaining proficient learning. Even those provided with extra help through an IEP may find that the interventions provided are insufficient.

A lot of students find that there comes a time when something just is not clicking!

No matter how hard they study, it doesn’t seem to matter. Their grade(s) seems stuck!

After tutoring, meeting with the teacher, and completing every extra credit option, it still isn’t enough. Worse, we all know how impactful academic performance can be on our future!

Smart students often “get by,” but it’s okay to want more!

More demand may create more learning difficulties

As children progress in their education, difficulties with learning can become apparent because there are more demands placed upon them. If learning is inefficient, they won’t be able to sustain the same level of performance.

Trouble with completing homework and tests in a timely manner, difficulties with memory, attention, reading comprehension, or following directions, and trouble learning a foreign language are a few of many symptoms associated with learning and attention troubles.

At Aspire, we understand that children and adults want to continue to perform at the level they expect of themselves. Even when there isn’t an obvious learning disability, an assessment can clarify more efficient and effective ways of studying.

Let us help attain academic success!

Contact us by calling (323) 345-1402 to improve your learning.