Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment

Autism spectrum disorder, often called ASD or autism, is a neurodevelopmental condition that cause differences in the ways individuals interact with and perceive the world around them. ASD is referred to as a spectrum disorder because of the myriad ways that individuals experience this form of neurodivergence. Because each person with ASD experiences symptoms differently, it’s essential to work with an experienced professional to receive an accurate diagnosis and complete report that includes information to help you understand the areas of strength related to your diagnosis as well as finding resources to manage areas of struggle. On this page, you can learn more about ASD assessment and what you can expect from undergoing the testing process at Aspire Therapy Center.

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition that leads to a range of differences in how individuals interact with the world and people around them. This includes communication skills, sensory experience, and social interactions. People who are diagnosed with ASD often experience challenges academically, professionally, and personally as those differences in neurodevelopment become more pronounced.

What Are Common Signs of ASD?

ASD is a spectrum disorder. That means that people experience a range of symptoms, and no two people have the same ASD symptoms. In most cases, people seek ASD assessment at the recommendation of a medical professional, but there are situations when individuals elect to receive an ASD diagnosis because they notice symptoms in themselves or one of their loved ones. If you’ve experienced neurodevelopmental differences, you can reach out to an assessment psychologist for an evaluation. Some of the most common signs that indicate a need for ASD assessment include:

  • Engaging in repetitive behaviors.
  • Needing structure and planning in order to function.
  • Struggling to remain flexible.
  • Having difficulty holding eye contact.
  • Being very blunt when talking to others.
  • Struggling to identify emotions in self or others.
  • Having a tough time understanding and following social norms.
  • Failing to respect personal space.
  • Eating the same foods daily.
  • Finding certain fabrics or clothing styles irritating.

How Is ASD Assessment Performed?

The psychologists at Aspire Therapy Center will being the ASD assessment process with a complimentary phone consultation. These short calls allow you the opportunity to ask some questions and discuss your options and plans with the therapist. From there, your ASD assessment will include the following steps:

  • Intake – this initial visit is how your therapist will determine what tests are appropriate. They may ask questions, observe you performing certain tasks, ask you and/or a loved one to fill out symptom rating scales, and review your medical history.
  • Assessment – once the psychologist has determined the appropriate tests, you’ll attend one or more testing sessions and complete the personalized assessment battery.
  • Follow up – the psychologist will create a report that outlines their findings, including answers to specific referral questions and diagnostic details. They may also include recommendations for ongoing support.

How Do I Schedule an Appointment?

ASD assessment doesn’t need to be stressful or upsetting. We know there are some mixed emotions related to testing and diagnosis, but our knowledgeable psychologists are here to support you throughout the process. You’ll get started by contacting us for a free consultation visit. You can get in touch over the phone at (323) 345-1402, via email  at [email protected], or using our online request form.